The ARRI Amira camera can easily be synchronized with a Tentacle SYNC E or ORIGINAL timecode generator or a TRACK E via its dedicated BNC timecode input. This way the timecode will be recorded as meta data directly in the file.
Proceed as follows:
- Set the Amira's Timecode port HOME > Options > TC BNC mode > TC in
- Set the camera' sensor frame rate, project frame rate and your Tentacle device to the same value
- Set the menu of the Amira:
- HOME > TC > Options > Run mode > Free run
- HOME > TC > Options > Mode > Regen
- HOME > TC > Options > Regen Source > LTC in
- HOME > TC > Options > Count mode > choose accordingly to your selected frame rate
- Sync your Tentacle device so it's outputting timecode (blinking green)
- Connect your synchronized Tentacle device to the TC BNC port of the camera and leave it connected
- Use either of these cables: Tentacle to BNC / Tentacle to 90° BNC
We cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of information provided by third-party manufacturers, so we recommend that you contact these third-party manufacturers directly if you have any questions regarding their devices.