Third Party Devices
Read about different workflows of our products in combination with the most common cameras & audio recorders.
- How can I sync my Sony FX3 / FX30 camera?
- How does my RED Komodo / RED V-Raptor work with a Tentacle SYNC E or ORIGINAL timecode generator?
- How do I sync my Sony A7SIII (ILCE-7SM3) and SONY A1 (ILCE-1) with Tentacle timecode generators?
- How can I sync my Sony FX6 with Tentacle SYNC E?
- Zoom F6 and Tentacle Sync
- Arri Alexa Mini and Tentacle Sync workflow
- Tascam FR-AV2 and Tentacle Sync setup
- Does my Canon C80 work with Tentacle Sync?
- Canon C400 and Tentacle Sync setup
- How can I sync my ARRI Alexa 35 camera?
- Zoom H5 Audio Recorder and Tentacle Sync workflow
- How do I synchronize the Panasonic Lumix GH6 with Tentacle?
- How can I synchronize my Arri Amira with Tentacle?
- How can I sync my Zoom F2, or F2-BT, from a Tentacle?
- How can I sync my Zoom F3 from a Tentacle Sync device?
- How to sync a Sound Devices A20-Mini wireless transmitter?
- How do I sync my RED DSMC2 with a Tentacle SYNC E & ORIGINAL timecode generator?
- How can I sync my Kinefinity Mavo Edge 8K?
- How can I sync my Canon EOS R5C with Tentacle?
- How to sync Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K / 6K / 6K Pro with Tentacle?
- How do I sync my RED Ranger with a Tentacle SYNC E & ORIGINAL timecode generator?
- Can I sync my ARRI Alexa Mini LF with Tentacle?
- Zoom H6 and Tentacle Sync
- How does my Blackmagic Ursa work with Tentacle Sync timecode generators?
- Tentacle Sync and Atomos monitor recorders Ninja / Shogun / Shinobi
- How can I sync my Zoom F4 from a Tentacle Sync device?
- Does my Canon C70 work with Tentacle Sync?
- How can I synchronize my Sony Venice with Tentacle Sync?
- How can I sync my Sony FX9 camera with Tentacle Sync ?
- RED Digital Cinema Cams and Tentacle Sync